Monday, March 25, 2013

Describing people - game

The classgroup is devided into 2 groups of the same number of students. All of the students from the both groups write their names on a piece of paper and put it to the hat related to their group. Each student draws one piece of paper with the name of a person from the other group and has to write 4 adjectives/expressions describing the person, whose name they have drawn out. Then they put the paper back to the hat. The teacher draws the descriptions - one from one group and one from the other - reads them aloud and the students must guess, whose desctription is read. If they guess correctly, the teacher puts the paper with the description aside. If the guess is incorrect, the teacher puts the paper back to the hat so that it can be drawn again. The group whose hat is emptied first, wins.
To start the game, one person from each group throws a dice. The group who gets the bigger number, starts first.

Write the list of the people from the other group and cross them out once you guess their name correctly.

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